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Cansel Sörgens –

Strategy Coach and OKR Expert, Sörgens Consultancy

How to use the power of OKR for Sustainability initiatives?

Cansel Sörgens works since 2008 in Product Management and Organisational Development. She managed strategic cross-department projects and was responsible for (Agile) Organisation Development. Since 2016 Cansel implemented OKR many times in B2B, B2C, B2B2C, and B2G organisations of all sizes from different industries such as MedTech, FinTech, InsureTech, Consumer Electronics, Pharma, E-Commerce, and more. She shares her long standing and practice proven OKR expertise as speaker, co-author, and founder of international OKR Lean Coffee, OKR Open Space, Reshaping the Future of OKRs.